Elvui update made everything big
Elvui update made everything big

elvui update made everything big

If you're looking for an Addon Manager to update or install all things ElvUI or TukUI then the Tukui client will be your priority download. Currently in Alpha, this client only supports Windows and World of Warcraft addons. Updating is as simple as clicking a button, with a separate section for searching the CurseForge repository to download other addons. If you prefer you can download the Curseforge app complete with the Overwolf app however, we recommend downloading the standalone Curseforge client which is a straightforward addon manager free of Overwolf's overlays and other frills. With some addons remaining exclusive to Curse, this addon manager tends to be the go-to option for many players and will likely be the best choice for updating most of your addons at one time. Overwolf's Curseforge App is one of the few addon managers with access to the Curseforge API and addon database. Unfortunately, there's not a one-stop shop for Addon Managers, so we've compiled a list the best and brightest as you prepare your UI for Dragonflight launch! Addon Managers can help you quickly update a large number of addons with a few short and simple clicks. Dragonflight Pre-Patch has arrived and with it a need to update all your addons for all the UI changes coming with the new expansion.

Elvui update made everything big